How We Care

Show appreciation to ourArtisan FarmersCare for ourFuture Generations
The quality that we present to you is the gift from the soil.
Our logo brings that image to you. All our teas come from certified organic gardens. Sourcing all organic tea from the best tea producing belt of the Assam we ensure that the tea that we bring in your cup are free from harmful effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The tea gardens are at very high altitude and remotely accessible.Our Celebration collection from China is EU certified. We can safely say that we give you the finest tea.
Our artisan tea farmers are our platform to provide you with the quality that we thrive on. They are well taken care of and they follow high hygiene standards in the production of the tea. Each farmer has to undergo specific training for identifying the different stages of tea leaves, handcrafting the tea and time management to ensure proper process is implemented. Special care is taken even while plucking the tea leaves.
The tea bags are bio degradable and all our boxes and tins can be recycled. All our tea is packaged in Singapore maintaining proper hygiene and food safety guidelines.
Organic tea agriculture is beneficial for the health of soils, our ecosystems and our society. Till today supply of organic tea is very less compared to conventional variety. Haflong Tea is in touch with many tea gardens who are under the process of conversion to organic gardens. The process is quite long and takes few years for a garden to be completely certified. We will closely monitor and inspire more gardens to go Organic.
Haflong Tea has invested a lot in organic tea, planning logistics to reduce carbon footprint, recyclable packaging and proper storage to keep leaves fresh. This is to ensure we maintain premium standards with respect to quality.
Let us Innovate, Initiate and Inspire you and the future generations for healthy living.